Karan Patel

Software Developer at Komet

Karan Patel

Hello, I’m Karan Patel, a dedicated Software Developer with 2-3 years of experience, specializing in React, React Native, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and Machine Learning. I excel in designing application architectures, brainstorming features, and ensuring security and analytics. My primary focus is on creating front-end applications with captivating animations and exceptional user experiences. I am proficient in Redux, Getx, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, and have expertise in blockchain technologies like Ethers.js and WalletConnect. Additionally, I have experience developing AI/ML models using TensorFlow. Currently, I lead the frontend team as a Software Development Engineer (SDE) at a Web3 startup.



  • Created my first ever npm package. Wallet Key Algorithm, built on top of SSS, Wallet Secret Generator
  • Learned and integrated WalletConnect & WAGMI to both Dapp and Mobile App
  • Integrated SWAPS, BRIDGES, and MARKETPLACES on Webapp (Dapp)
  • Developed internal dashboards
  • Developed Chrome and Brave Extensions
  • Created a full stack website for import-export business for a friend.
  • Learned and expertised Nodejs for backend development
  • Worked on awesome projects such as Bharatbox. Created Wallet App with Wallet connect functionality.


  • Continued with Unicoconnect till May 2022
  • Meanwhile, worked for Feature Ventures as freelance developer
  • Created Social media app for Fashion Influencers
  • Completed 2 App for Showfest LLC under Unicoconnect
  • Started a job as a Software Developer at Komet in May 2022
  • Learned how to create dapps using React and Ethers
  • Learned how to integrate CI/CD pipelines using AWS Amplify
  • Learned how Web3 works in the context of EOA Wallets and Smart Contract Wallets
  • Learned Next.js and Server Side Rendering
  • Integrated Google Analytics V4


  • Joined Firewires as App Developer
  • Learned basics of AWS and advanced React Native
  • Redeveloped entire Expo based App to Cli based App
  • Joined Unicoconnect at the end of 2021
  • Worked on several React Native projects
  • Learned Flutter for UK based client project
  • Developed an MVP within 28 days
  • Implemented in-app purchase using Revenue Cat


  • Learned React Native,Redux
  • Started Freelancing during the pandemic
  • Learned Wordpress and Shopify.
  • Started a job as a Wordpress developer at The Research Pedia
  • Learned HTML, Python, CSS
  • Started Learning Machine Learning using Python
  • Created multiple CNN and Linear models trained for specific use cases.
  • Fined tuned SVMs, Random Forest, Descision Tree algorithms
  • Learned Tensorflow for Deep Learning